The new Daily MoJo app is now available with version 1.1!
All users of the website should note that the only native app that is available as of 4/16/2024 is the iPhone/iPad/iOS app. You can get the Apple native app here...
Our app is a Progressive Web App as well which means you can use it with an Android phone just the same as a native app by clicking the logo below or by going to this address on your mobile device browser...
There are a lot of new features that give us a great deal more flexibility than the text messaging platform gave us.
One final important note: YOU MUST REGISTER AGAIN inside the app. We do not have single sign-on yet. You can use the same info you use on our site, but you must register again to gain access to the user tools and messaging in the app.
Happy Ides of May Boy'z 💀
Grand Thursday Morn Boy'z
So...where is the super secret password for the live video streaming room? I forget the name